Hey everyone, you’ve probably noticed a change in the production schedule around these parts, and I wanted to take a moment to fill you in on what’s happening.
Going into the season, I’ve been asked to join on with two other sites, regularly as a contributor to the Bullpen Sox Blog over at Mouthpiece Sports, and weekly as a contributor to the excellent Beachwood Reporter.
It means you’re still going to get the same patented lunatic ravings you’ve come to know and love, just split between here and there. You’ll get new columns here Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; catch me at Mouthpiece Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and at Beachwood on Sundays.
Of course this is all subject to change, editorial volatility, whims, and whatever else comes up. I’ll be posting links to new columns posted elsewhere, and there’s always the link up above to add us to your RSS reader. Until then, keep hitting the books: